About Me

Hey y'all! My name is Holly Palermo. I am originally from north east Arkansas. Now, I live in Fort Walton Beach, Florida. I am surrounded by beautiful emerald waters and white sand beaches! I am a Christian, Wife, Mother, Nurse, Photographer and a lover of edible cookie dough. My husband is Curt. We have 6 children. Yes, you read that right SIX children. Photography is a passion of mine. I absolutely love doing it. A few years ago I had a calling or nudging of my heart to step deeper into photography. I ignored that feeling for a WHILE! I am an introvert to the max. So stepping out of my comfort zone and pursuing photography as a business sounded absolutely crazy. God continued to nudge me. So I prayed on it. I prayed HARD! Still the nudging continued and became an overwhelming need. Y'ALL, If God is persistent in telling me to do something, I'm doing it. So here I am, letting my faith guide me while I freeze tangible moments in time..



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"Holly is AMAZING. So responsive to messages, so very kind and sweet and just so great to be around. I was blown away when I received the pictures. To say I’m happy with the pictures is an understatement! Holly, you’re truly amazing at what you do and we appreciate you so much!"

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